I'm new to meteor.js. Still getting used to it. I get how templates update reactively according to the cursor updates on the server, like this:
{{#if waitingforsomething.length}} Something Happened! {{/if}}
This is good to display elements on the page, updating lists and content. Now, my question is: what if I want to call some javascript or fire some event when something gets updated reactively? What would be the right way to do it with meteor.js?
Anything inside Tracker.autorun
or template instance this.autorun
runs with changes in reactive data sources inside these autoruns.
Reactive data sources are ReactiveVar
instances, db queries, Session
variables, etc.
Template.myTemplate.onCreated(function() {
// Let's define some reactive data source
this.reactive = new ReactiveVar(0);
// And put it inside this.autorun
this.autorun(() => console.log(this.reactive.get()));
// Now whenever you click we assign new value
// to our reactive var and this fires
// our console.log
'click'(event, template) {
let inc = template.reactive.get() + 1;