I had encountered an issue one of my projects, I had spent dozen of hours to find the solution, I had made some progress, but still not getting what I would like to achieve ideally. I am still finding solutions myself now, while I would really appreciate anyone could share any insight for constructive solutions.
What I have now:
A master list of ingredient objects, which are unique among each
A list of recipe objects, each of which would like to have different ingredient objects to define the recipe object.
What do I want to achieve:
Ingredient objects can be inserted as multiple times into a single recipe object with each insert as unique count instead of making same ingredient being considered as one single count.
I did not want to duplicate each ingredient object inside of the master list to be able to add multiple ingredients objects to each recipe object or cross multiple recipe objects.
What I had tried:
Use Core Data to manage the ingredient and recipe as 2 NSManagedObjects.
Had created a relationship attributes called “allHostRecipes” on the ingredient managed object, and set it as “to-Many“ relationship to the recipe managed object
Had created a relationship attributes called “allUsedIngredients” on the recipe managed object, and set it as “to-Many“ relationship to the ingredient managed object.
Then I passed the selected ingredient managed object (SelectedIngredientManagedObject) back to Recipe Description View and called mutableSetValueForKey("allUsedIngredients").addObject(SelectedIngredientManagedObject) on the NSFetchedResultsController that is for fetching ingredients that is contained inside of a recipe object.
The “NSFetchedResultsController that is for ingredients Table View from the ingredients’ master list” and “NSFetchedResultsController that is for fetching ingredients that are contained inside of a recipe object” are separate instance variables in “Table Views of Recipe Description View” and “Ingredients Selection Table View”. But they referenced the same ManagedObjectContext.
What I had got now:
My Question:
What I think the directions to solve the issue:
I really appreciate your time to view it, I am looking forward to having your insights. Thank you very much.
You need to remodel the data slightly: Remove the many-many relationship from Recipe
to Ingredient
, and replace it with an intermediate entity (finding a good name is difficult, let's say RecipeIngredientDetails
Create a one-many relationship from Recipe
to RecipeIngredientDetails
, say allUsedIngredientDetails
, with inverse (to-one) recipe
Likewise create a one-many relationship from Ingredient
to RecipeIngredientDetails
, say allHostRecipeDetails
, with inverse (to-one) ingredient
This addresses the problem with a direct many-many relationship, where each Recipe
can be related to each Ingredient
only once. (You are correct, this is in part a consequence of the relationships being modelled as Sets, which cannot have duplicate members). You have two options: you could just add multiple RecipeIngredientDetails
objects, each related to the same Recipe
and Ingredient
pair. Each such object might represent a standard base quantity of the ingredient. Note that you could not have just one object for each Recipe
pair, and try to add that object to the same Recipe
multiple times: a given Recipe
and a given RecipeIngredientDetails
object can be related at most once.
But it might be better to add an attribute to the RecipeIngredientDetails
, say quantity
. You then only need a single such object for each Recipe
pair, and can update the quantity
attribute to reflect the amount of the ingredient that is appropriate for that recipe.
This is the approach mentioned in the CoreData Programming Guide section on Modeling a Relationship Based on Its Semantics:
For this sort of relationship, use an intermediate (join) entity. An advantage of the intermediate entity is that you can also use it to add more information to the relationship.
It is equivalent to adding a join table with foreign keys and additional columns to a SQL database. I'm not aware of any simpler way of achieving your objectives in CoreData - there is no way to directly add attributes to relationships.
Regarding the ordering issue that you mention in comments, you had added "a Double type attribute in the Entity to keep track of the order". If you have only two entities, and a many-many relationship, and you add the order attribute to the Ingredient
then (for example) if "Flour" is the first ingredient for "Bread", it would have to be the first item for every other Recipe it is used in. In the approach I describe, you would add the attribute to the intermediate entity, RecipeIngredientDetails
: the index (just as for the quantity) depends on both the recipe and the ingredient.
For indexes there is, however, another option I should mention: you could (in the data model editor) define the relationship from Recipe to RecipeIngredientDetails
as ordered. The resulting property will be an ordered set (so you can insert, remove or move items to achieve the correct order).