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OpenFileDialog does not allow '/' character even after disabling validation

Similar question: How to avoid of file name validation in SaveFileDialog C#

I am writing an application that has an option to support opening executables and running them with given parameters, and I am trying to use OpenFileDialog as a user-friendly way to achieve this. After disabling AddExtension, ValidateNames, CheckFileExists and CheckPathExists, I can pass parameters to executables and the application runs them using the arguments as intended.

However, when I attempt to pass parameters that include "invalid" filename characters (such as '/'), I am stopped and get this example message:

Example validation message

and am not allowed to continue, even though ValidateNames is set to false.

Here is the code concerning the dialog:

OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
dialog.AddExtension = false;
dialog.CheckFileExists = false;
dialog.CheckPathExists = false;
dialog.ValidateNames = false;
if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
    //Parse text manually here (parsing is fully handled on the developer side)

Is there any way to resolve this and completely disable input validation, or do I have to write a custom file dialog implementation?


  • You can't override the default validation. As such you will either have to ask for the parameters in a separate dialogue or re-implement the file open dialogue yourself.