I plan to build an online map for markers (pins) of a game and I don't manage to set the correct latitude of my markers.
Original map is a square of 2048*2048px
Then I got markers (many thousands)
Map coordinates are set with a x, y notation from 0 to 100. 0, 0 is the top left corner and 100, 100 is the bottom right corner of the map. x=50, y=50 is lat = 0°, lng = 0° (the center of the picture).
To convert from my notation to longitude I use this JS function, it works well :
function longitude(x)
var lng = 0
if (x < 50) // Negative Longitude (West)
lng = (x - 50) / 50 * 180;
else // Positive Longitude (East)
lng = (50 - x) / 50 * 180;
return lng
But for latitude it don't work because those engines use a Mercator projection and me not.
If someone have the correct formula, it would be greatly appreciated :(
Welcome to SO!
If you are using Leaflet, you should specify the map option crs
and use L.CRS.Simple
A simple CRS that maps longitude and latitude into
directly. May be used for maps of flat surfaces (e.g. game maps). Note that they
axis should still be inverted (going from bottom to top).
This will avoid the Web Mercator projection, especially the latitude which is a special computation as you figured out (see the linked Wikipedia article for the equation).
Then you are left with correctly mapping your x
and y
coordinates to your need, especially in respect with your map image.
For instance, assuming you set your map image as:
L.imageOverlay("imageUrl", [[0, 0], [256, 256]]).addTo(map);
(so that it fits the equivalent of 1 tile at zoom level 0)
Then you could have a conversion like:
function longitude(x) {
return x / 100 * 256;
function latitude(y) {
return 256 - y / 100 * 256; // Still need to revert y.