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Angular-Xeditable e-pattern not accepting valid regular expression

I am trying to validate the user input of a text field using e-pattern from the angular-xeditable directive. I have built the regular expression using an online regex builder/tester and it does exactly what I want however angular-xeditable doesn't seem to recognize the expression as being valid. It shows the below even when the expression is valid.


  • Value must be >= 0.0 or <= 1.0
  • Value can have one or two decimal places
  • First decimal place can be a digit between 0-9
  • Second decimal place should be either 0 or 5

valid entry: 0.5, 0.95, 0.40, 1.0




<span e-pattern="/^((0+(\.[0-9][05]?))|1+(\.0))$/" e-required ng-show="!tableform.$visible" editable-text="user.available" e-form="tableform" onbeforesave="checkAvailable($data)">{{ user.available}} </span>


enter image description here

Is there anything I'm missing or need to amend to the expression or span tag?


  • Fail, I just figured out the issue it's incredibly simple e-pattern does not require /^ or $/ before or after the expression, should instead read:
