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Google Analytics optimization with r.js

Hi everyone I am trying to make r.js work but i got error on Google Analytics like this

Tracing dependencies for: main
Cannot optimize network URL, skipping: //

this is my requierjs.config file

window.GoogleAnalyticsObject = "__ga__";
window.__ga__ = function() {
    for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) {
        var arg = arguments[i];
        if (arg.constructor == Object && arg.hitCallback) {
window.__ga__.q = [["create", "UA-82626142-1", "auto"]];
window.__ga__.l =;

paths: {

    ga: "//"
shim: {
    "ga": {
        exports: "__ga__"

and this is my r.js config file

    baseUrl: "../js",
    name: "main",
    out: 'app-built.js',
    findNestedDependencies: true,

    paths: {
        ga: "//",
    include: 'requireLib',
    mainConfigFile: "../js/main.js",


I have used ''empty path for r.js config but i dosn`t work. Thanks in advance


  • I have checked Requierjs documantation again and again and i found the right way to make cdns(urls) optimize with r.js. Need write in optimize config file

    paths: {

    we can write 'empty' for any cdn link just need use console command when we run optimize config file like this (this is my own example from my app)

    'node build/r.js -o build/build.single.js' 

    Hope this will be usfulle for others who have same probleme