I am new to coldfusion and my goal is to remove part of a string according to certain words.
For example:
<cfset myVar = "One of the myths associated with the Great Wall of China is that it is the only man-made structure"/>¨
How can I remove the words "One of the myths associated with the" in order to
Great Wall of China is that it is the only man-made structure as string?
I used following function
RemoveChars(string, start, count)
But I need to create a function maybe with RegEx or native coldfusion functions.
You could see the sentence as a list seperated by spaces. So if you want to cut off your sentence to start with "Great Wall of China", you could try
<cfloop list="#myVar#" index="word" delimiters=" ">
<cfif word neq "Great">
<cfset myVar = listRest(#myVar#," ")>
There may be a quicker way to do this. Here's a function at cfLib.org that can alter a list in a similar way: LINK.