I use dbus-cxx to do method calls via dbus. Now there are methods that return more than one argument and I couldn't figure out how to receive any arguments beside the first one.
I initialize the proxy method:
DBus::MethodProxy<int>& info_proxy = *(object->create_method<int>(ServerName, "Info"));
and when I grab the return value, it is only the first value of the three possible outputs in this case.
The XML describing the methods looks like this:
<method name="Info">
<arg type="i" direction="out" name="rate"/>
<arg type="i" direction="out" name="freq"/>
<arg type="i" direction="out" name="nch"/>
Calling the method from within QDBusViewer delivers the output Arguments: 1813099, 44100, 2
so it provides three outputs but I cannot figure out how to access these.
EDIT: I got it working, by using the tool dbus-cxx-xml2cpp I got a method definition that uses a DBus::CallMessage
instead of a DBus::MethodProxy
. The resulting reply contained all arguments the method returns.
I got it working, by using the tool dbus-cxx-xml2cpp
I got a method definition that uses a DBus::CallMessage
instead of a DBus::MethodProxy
. The resulting reply contained all arguments the method returns.