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Is it possible to infer which line in source has the problem according to disassembly?

The problem exists at 017D0B5F call eax :

017D0B56  mov         esi,esp 
017D0B58  mov         edx,dword ptr [ebp-20h] 
017D0B5B  push        edx  
017D0B5C  mov         eax,dword ptr [ecx+8] 
017D0B5F  call        eax  
017D0B61  cmp         esi,esp 
017D0B63  call        @ILT+2525(__RTC_CheckEsp) (17C49E2h) 
017D0B68  cmp         dword ptr [ebp-2Ch],0 
017D0B6C  je          CSourceStream::DoBufferProcessingLoop+10Ah (17D0B8Ah) 
017D0B6E  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-2Ch] 
017D0B71  push        eax  
017D0B72  push        offset string "Deliver() returned %08x; stoppin"... (17F7278h) 

Here's the corresponding source:

 // Virtual function user will override.
 hr = FillBuffer(pSample);

 if (hr == S_OK) {
 hr = Deliver(pSample);

            // downstream filter returns S_FALSE if it wants us to
            // stop or an error if it's reporting an error.
            if(hr != S_OK)
              DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 2, TEXT("Deliver() returned %08x; stopping"), hr));
              return S_OK;

Is it possible to infer which line in source has the problem according to disassembly?


What does __RTC_CheckEsp mean ?


Reproducing in debugger

alt text


alt text


  • Looks like it is the pSample->Release() call - what error do you get?

    017D0B56  mov         esi,esp 
    017D0B58  mov         edx,dword ptr [ebp-20h]     // get the pSample this pointer
    017D0B5B  push        edx                         // push it
    017D0B5C  mov         eax,dword ptr [ecx+8]       // move pSample to eax
    017D0B5F  call        eax                         // call it
    017D0B61  cmp         esi,esp                     // maybe a stack/heap check?
    017D0B63  call        @ILT+2525(__RTC_CheckEsp) (17C49E2h) 
    017D0B68  cmp         dword ptr [ebp-2Ch],0       // if hr!=S_OK
    017D0B6C  je          CSourceStream::DoBufferProcessingLoop+10Ah (17D0B8Ah) 
    017D0B6E  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-2Ch] 
    017D0B71  push        eax                         // get ready to call DbgLog
    017D0B72  push        offset string "Deliver() returned %08x; stoppin"... (17F7278h)