I am using vis.js 4.16.1 to draw the network graphs. Currently I have two network graphs. One network graph for the user drawing. After the user has done, I want to copy exactly whatever the network graph is to the second network graph. However, I can't set the same viewpoint as the first one. This is the options for the first network:
options = {
locale: 'en',
physics: {
"enabled": false,
edges: {
smooth: {
type: 'continuous'
interaction: {
navigationButtons: true,
selectConnectedEdges: false
I have disabled the physics to allow the user organize the node themselves.
This is the options for the second network:
var options = {
locale: 'en',
physics: {
"enabled": false
edges: {
smooth: {
type: 'continuous'
interaction: {
dragNodes: false,
When I use the fit function (http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~mike/myrlibrary/visNetwork/doc/network/)
var fitOption = {
nodes: nodes.getIds() //nodes is type of vis.DataSet contains all the nodes
There is nothing changed.
When I use the moveTo
var centerOptions = {
position: {
x: firstNetwork.getViewPosition().x,
y: firstNetwork.getViewPosition().y},
Still, I can't move my canvas to the point where the first network focused on. The canvas is not moving at all. Could someone give me some suggestions? Thanks in advance,
Thanks Reiner, I have figure out the reason why fit() and moveTo() function are not working in my context, I need set the option:
physics: {
"enabled": true
otherwise it's not working. What did is before I call my fit() function, change enabled to true, call fit() function, then set enabled to false.