I am using DRYIOC for DI in my application. I have interfaces in my MVC application which I want to register to dryIOC. So I am using RegisterMany as below.
container.RegisterMany(new[] { Assembly.Load(DIAssemblyCollection["WebAssembly"]) },
serviceTypeCondition: type => type.IsInterface,
setup: Setup.With(allowDisposableTransient: true));
But I am getting the error as below
Unspecified how to select single constructor for implementation type Web.Enums.Enum1 with 0 public constructors.
Seems like a bug, but need to look at code first.
Meanwhile you can just filter implementation types, keep classes only:
.Where(type => type.IsClass),
serviceTypeCondition: type => type.IsInterface,
setup: Setup.With(allowDisposableTransient: true));
Fixed in DryIoc 2.7