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Creating uniform random quaternion and multiplication of two quaternions

I have a python (NumPy) function which creates a uniform random quaternion. I would like to get two quaternion multiplication as 2-dimensional returned array from the same or an another function. The formula of quaternion multiplication in my recent case is Q1*Q2 and Q2*Q1. Here, Q1=(w0, x0, y0, z0) and Q2=(w1, x1, y1, z1) are two quaternions. The expected two quaternion multiplication output (as 2-d returned array) should be

return([-x1*x0 - y1*y0 - z1*z0 + w1*w0, x1*w0 + y1*z0 - z1*y0 +
    w1*x0, -x1*z0 + y1*w0 + z1*x0 + w1*y0, x1*y0 - y1*x0 + z1*w0 +

Can anyone help me please? My codes are here:

def randQ(N):
    #Generates a uniform random quaternion
    #James J. Kuffner 2004 
    #A random array 3xN
    s = random.rand(3,N)
    sigma1 = sqrt(1.0 - s[0])
    sigma2 = sqrt(s[0])
    theta1 = 2*pi*s[1]
    theta2 = 2*pi*s[2]
    w = cos(theta2)*sigma2
    x = sin(theta1)*sigma1
    y = cos(theta1)*sigma1
    z = sin(theta2)*sigma2
    return array([w, x, y, z])


  • A simple rendition of your request would be:

    In [70]: def multQ(Q1,Q2):
        ...:     w0,x0,y0,z0 = Q1   # unpack
        ...:     w1,x1,y1,z1 = Q2
        ...:     return([-x1*x0 - y1*y0 - z1*z0 + w1*w0, x1*w0 + y1*z0 - z1*y0 +
        ...:     w1*x0, -x1*z0 + y1*w0 + z1*x0 + w1*y0, x1*y0 - y1*x0 + z1*w0 +
        ...:     w1*z0])
    In [72]: multQ(randQ(1),randQ(2))
    [array([-0.37695449,  0.79178506]),
     array([-0.38447116,  0.22030199]),
     array([ 0.44019022,  0.56496059]),
     array([ 0.71855397,  0.07323243])]

    The result is a list of 4 arrays. Just wrap it in np.array() to get a 2d array:

    In [73]: M=np.array(_)
    In [74]: M
    array([[-0.37695449,  0.79178506],
           [-0.38447116,  0.22030199],
           [ 0.44019022,  0.56496059],
           [ 0.71855397,  0.07323243]])

    I haven't tried to understand or clean up your description - just rendering it as working code.