I'm running into this weird problem that causes the console to not show an output after parsing
a= "<%=j render 'api/restaurants/index.json.jbuilder',restaurants: @restaurants %>";
json = $.parseJSON("<%= render 'api/restaurants/index.json.jbuilder', restaurants: @restaurants %>");
a= "<%=j render 'api/restaurants/index.json.jbuilder', restaurants: @restaurants %>";
json = $.parseJSON("<%= render 'api/restaurants/index.json.jbuilder', restaurants: @restaurants %>");
console.log("console test");
a= "<%=j render 'api/restaurants/index.json.jbuilder', restaurants: @restaurants %>";
json = $.parseJSON("<%= render 'api/restaurants/index.json.jbuilder', restaurants: @restaurants %>");
The code snippets above do not render anything in the console, however the code snippets below do give a console output.
a= "<%=j render 'api/restaurants/index.json.jbuilder', restaurants: @restaurants %>";
a= "<%=j render 'api/restaurants/index.json.jbuilder', restaurants: @restaurants %>";
console.log("console test");
It seems like the parsing is stopping the console from outputting anything. Anyone have any ideas why this is happening and how to fix it
As reported in jQuery.parseJSON:
Passing in a malformed JSON string results in a JavaScript exception being thrown.
So, your api does not return a correct json.
$(function () {
try {
var a = $.parseJSON("{test: 1}");
} catch(err) {
console.log('Err: ' + err);
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js"></script>