Using Angular UI Router, I'm trying to render a different component based on a $state.params
value, but I can't find a clean way to do this.
I figured out a working solution already (with some ES2015 fanciness), but that's far from optimal:
/* ----- chapter/chapter.controller.js ----- */
class ChapterController {
constructor($state) {
this.$state = $state;
this.chapterNb = this.$state.params.chapterNb;
ChapterController.$inject = ['$state'];
export default ChapterController;
/* ----- chapter/chapter.controller.js ----- */
import controller from './chapter.controller';
const ChapterComponent = {
template: `
<chapter-01 ng-if="$ctrl.chapterNb === 1"></chapter-01>
<chapter-02 ng-if="$ctrl.chapterNb === 2"></chapter-02>
` // and more chapters to come...
export default ChapterComponent;
/* ----- chapter/index.js ----- */
import angular from 'angular';
import uiRouter from 'angular-ui-router';
import ChaptersComponent from './chapters.component';
import ChaptersMenu from './chapters-menu';
import Chapter from './chapter';
const chapters = angular
.module('chapters', [
.component('chapters', ChaptersComponent)
.config($stateProvider => {
.state('chapters', {
abstract: true,
url: '/chapters',
component: 'chapters'
.state('', {
url: '/menu',
component: 'chaptersMenu'
.state('chapters.chapter', {
url: '/{chapterNb:int}',
component: 'chapter'
export default chapters;
The thing is that every <chapter-0*>
component is very different, that's why they all correspond to their own template.
I would like to find a way to reference automatically the chapter component corresponding to the $state.params.chapterNb
instead of having to write those ng-if
for each one.
Is there any way to simplify this? Or maybe there is a specific feature for that purpose?
As suggested by Pankaj Parkar in his answer, using a template function helps here.
With a few tweaks, I've been able to achieve loading the correct component based on $state.params
, so here is my solution, for the record (look at first post for others files involved):
import controller from './chapter.controller';
const ChapterComponent = {
template: ($state) => {
return `
export default ChapterComponent;