I am trying to understand how parameter packs work in variadic template functions when they are not the last parameter. I don't get why some of my calls in my sample code doesn't work. The questions are in the comments. Should they work or I don't understand something or VS2015 update 3's compiler doesn't support them yet?
template <typename T>
double sum(T t) {
return t;
template <typename T, typename... Rest>
double sum(Rest... rest, T t) {
return t + sum(rest...);
template <typename T>
double sum2(T t) {
return t;
template <typename T, typename... Rest>
double sum2(T t, Rest... rest) {
return t + sum2(rest...);
template<typename... Args>
void func(Args..., int = 0)
void func()
func<int, int, int>(1, 1, 1);
func(1, 1, 1); // why doesn't this compile?
sum(1, 1); // why doesn't this compile?
sum<int, int>(1, 1);
sum<int, int, int>(1, 1, 1); // why doesn't this compile while func<int, int, int>(1, 1, 1) does?
// why are these compile? I only changed the order of the parameters compared to sum()
sum2(1, 1);
sum2(1, 1, 1);
I'm not really an expert but, as far I know...
func(1, 1, 1); // why doesn't this compile?
Because, in a function template, the types of a parameter pack can be deduced only if it's in last position.
The first call
func<int, int, int>(1, 1, 1);
works because the types of the parameter aren't deduced but are explained (Args...
is int, int, int
) and func()
receive a fourth int
(with default value zero)
The call
func<int, int>(1, 1, 1);
works also because Args...
is explained as int, int
and the func()
function receive a third int
with not default value 1
sum(1, 1); // why doesn't this compile?
Same reason: the parameter pack isn't in last position so can't be deduced; but works
sum<int, int>(1, 1);
because T
is explicated as int
and Rest...
as int
sum<int, int, int>(1, 1, 1); // why doesn't this compile while func<int, int, int>(1, 1, 1) does?
The fist level call works because T
is explicated as int
and Rest...
as int, int
; but sum<int, int, int>(1, 1, 1)
call sum(rest...)
that, in this case is sum(1, 1)
; it's sum(1, 1)
that fail because Rest...
isn't in last position so can't be deduced
// why are these compile? I only changed the order of the parameters compared to sum()
sum2(1, 1);
sum2(1, 1, 1);
Because in sum2()
the parameter pack list Rest...
is in last position so can be (and is) deduced.