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auth0 - default group for user after registration

Any idea if it's possible to assign default group to user as result of registration? So far we found only a way to do it only as part of user login process but see no similar way for registration process.


  • Auth0 doesn't yet support running custom code at registration time.

    A workaround, however, could be to detect the first login (usually after sign up) and act upon it:

    function (user, context, callback) {
      // if it is the first login (hence the `signup`)
      if (context.stats.loginsCount === 1 ) {
        // initialize app_metadata
        user.app_metadata = user.app_metadata || {};
        // set a default group
        user.app_metadata.groups = ['default'];
        // store the app_metadata
        auth0.users.updateAppMetadata(user.user_id, user.app_metadata)
      // continue
      callback(null, user, context);