I am creating a NextJS 14 app that uses next-auth with the Auth0 provider to implement authentication. I am getting the error "You forgot to wrap your app in ". I am currently using NextJS 14.1.4, with src directory and app router.
The following code is from my page.jsx. This was following a guide from the Auth0 docs.
"use client"
import ActionBar from '@/app/components/ActionBar';
import classes from './styles.module.css';
import Link from 'next/link';
import { useUser } from '@auth0/nextjs-auth0/client';
import { redirect } from "next/navigation";
function Card(props) {
var title = props.title;
var url = props.url;
return (
<Link href={url} className={classes.accountCardItems}>
<button type="button" className={classes.btn}>{title}</button>
export default function Account() {
const { user, error, isLoading } = useUser();
if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
if (error) return <div>{error.message}</div>;
if (!user) {
return (
<ActionBar title="Account" disableBack={true} />
<h1><b>{user.given_name} {user.family_name}</b></h1>
<div className={classes.summaryCard}>
<div className={classes.cardTitle}>Account</div>
<div className={classes.accountCard}>
<Card title="Edit Profile" url="/dashboard/account/profile" />
<div className={classes.summaryCard}>
<div className={classes.cardTitle}>General</div>
<div className={classes.accountCard}>
<div>Terms of Services</div>
<div>Invite Friends</div>
<div className={classes.summaryCard}>
<div className={classes.cardTitle}>Login</div>
<div className={classes.accountCard}>
<Card title="Logout" url="../api/auth/logout" />
For anyone looking at this later, I was able to figure this out. I was able to wrap the body in <UserProvider>
in the layout file. More in the Auth0 Docs.
export default function RootLayout({ children }) {
return (
<html lang="en">