I have grid with to columns. In second column i have to comboboxes (for example at 1st row and 3rd). How to set different store for them? Values of second combobox depends on first combobox
I saw one example but there was different columns, not rows
this has not been tested but will give you an idea. use the cellediting plugin "beforeedit" event handler to get combo1 value and load combo2.
//beforeedit eventhandler for combo2. fired before cellEditing is triggered.
beforeedit:function(editor_, e_){
//get combo1 record, then get combo1 value
var rec= this.grid.store.getAt(rowIndexForCombo1);
var cbo1Val = rec.data.COMBO_1;
var cbo2 = e_.column.field || e_.column.editor;
//pass combo 1 value to combo2 proxy as extraParam, then load combo2.
cbo2.store.proxy.extraParams = {COMBO1VAL:cbo1Val};