If we have this example functions code in C++
void foo(int x) { std::cout << "foo(int)" << std::endl; }
void foo(int& x) { std::cout << "foo(int &)" << std::endl; }
Is it possible to difference what function to call doing any modification in the calling arguments?
If the function foo is called in some of these ways:
foo( 10);
i = 10;
foo( static_cast<const int>(i));
foo( static_cast<const int&>(i));
it's called the first foo overloaded function, because it can't pass by reference a const argument to a non-const parameter. But, how would you do to call the second foo overload function? If I call the next way:
int i = 10;
foo( i);
It happens an ambiguous error because both functions are valid for this argument.
In this link https://stackoverflow.com/a/5465379/6717386 it's explained one way to resolve it: using objects instead of built-in types and doing private the copy constructor, so it can't do a copy of object value and it has to be called the second foo overload function and passing the object by reference. But, is there any way with the built-in types? I have to change the name of function to avoid the overloading?
You may do a cast (of the function) to select the overload function:
static_cast<void (&)(int&)>(foo)(i);