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Using jQuery deferred to chain asynchronous functions does not wait for first function to complete

I'm trying to use jQuery (2.1) $.Deferred to chain functions together using then.

I've read through the docs and pretty sure I'm making a stupid mistake somewhere, but I cannot get function second to wait for first to complete.

function first() {
  let deferred = $.Deferred();
  setTimeout(function() { // Any async function.
  }, 500);
  return deferred.promise();

function second() {
  let deferred = $.Deferred();
  return deferred.promise();

$(function() {
<script src=""></script>

In reality, I want to keep chaining (hence the promise in second as well).


How can I make this work correctly?


  • Remove the brackets () on the second function inside your then() callback. Otherwise you will execute the second function directly and not when the promise resolves.


    Working example.