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Dynamically adding cases to a switch

I need to dynamically add cases to a switch. I want the user to be able to add items and every item needs it's own switch case.


  • You can use objects with callback functions instead:

    //You can have initial cases
    var callbacks = {
       'something': [() => 42]
    // and you can create a new entry with this function
    function add(_case, fn) {
       callbacks[_case] = callbacks[_case] || [];
    // this function work like switch(value)
    //To make the name shorter you can name it `cond` (like in Scheme)
    function pseudoSwitch(value) {
       if (callbacks[value]) {
          callbacks[value].forEach(function(fn) {

    and you can add new entries using:

    add('something', function() {
       // case for something


    You can also modify this to work a little bit differently than the original switch because you can have a function that returns a value and use a switch-like expression (like in Scheme where everything is an expression that returns a value):

    const value = cond(42);

    Writing this type of pseudoSwitch/cond function is left as an exercise for the reader.

    NOTE 2:

    By default objects in JavaScript use strings as keys and if you need to use something that can't be easily converted to a string, like objects (that will be converted to [Object object]) then you can use Map object that accepts anything as keys. Note that symbols work differently and they are not converted to a string when used as a key in an array.