what is the parameter that need to be used for creating an AEM user under the path "/home/users/test/"? Also where can i get the curl documentation that can be used with AEM/CQ
currently i am using the below crul command for creating a user. but the user still creates under "/home/users/randomnumber/encryptednode/"
curl -u admin:admin -FcreateUser= -FauthorizableId=testuser -Frep:password=testuser -FPath="/home/users/test/" http://localhost:4502/libs/granite/security/post/authorizables
Instead of path use intermediatePath
curl -u admin:admin -FcreateUser= -FauthorizableId=testuser -Frep:password=testuser -FintermediatePath="test" http://localhost:4502/libs/granite/security/post/authorizables
For some reference on curl commands refer here
In addition to this there is a trick to get CURL equivalent for most of the operations on AEM that are done via GUI,