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SOAP Message Handler

I have a WSDL URL that i used to create a web service client using wsimpot command
now i want to log all the in-going and the outgoing XML
so i think to user SOAP Handler but it did not works with this service
but it works with another service client . So my question here is this the right way to log the calls as i need to log all the parameters and log the response also or there is another way .

and why the handler did not work with this client but works with other clients ?


  • It depends on how you implemented your handlers - a normal way to achieve such functionality is just to add a handlerChain, similar to this:

    bindingProvider.getBinding().setHandlerChain(CollectionUtils.toList(new Handler[]{new SimpleHandler()}));

    Within the SimpleHandler (that obviously must implement: SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext>), you'll basically do something like this:

    public boolean handleMessage(final SOAPMessageContext messageContext) {
        if (messageContext == null) {
            LOG.warning("The messageContext was nilled. Unable to handle the soapMessage.");
            return false;
        if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(messageContext.get(MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY))) {
            LOG.finest("Some cool incoming message");
        } else {
            LOG.finest("Some cool outgoing message");
        return true;

    The bindingProvider mentioned earlier, you'll snap from the initialization of the WebService itself. Most likely something like this:

    final SomeCoolService someService = new SomeCoolService("my/path/to/service.wsdl", new QName(.., ..));
        coolServicePort = remedyService.getCoolServicePort();
        if (coolServicePort != null) {
            final BindingProvider bindingProvider = (BindingProvider) coolServicePort;

    In your case, the handler you added didnt work - did it even get initialized during the init of the handler-chain?

    The less obvious way to log these things, is by using other tools such as Wireshark, however I doubt that is suffient for you - unless you'll just want to trace whatever being sent back/forth.