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Change value in object within array in array with Ember.js 1.13

In my application, I have a structure with objects within an array in a array. The objects are called AND rules, the array with objects are called OR rules. The structure looks like this:

matching: [
  [ // OR rule
    { // AND rule
      name: "rule #1.1",
      value: "test"
    { // AND rule
      name: "rule #1.2",
      value: "test B"
  [ // OR rule
    { // AND rule
      name: "rule #2.1",
      value: "test C"

When I try to change one of the values, Ember changes all the values. For example, if I change the value of rule #1.2 to "Test value", the values of rule #1.1 and rule #2.1 also change to "Test value". I use the following code to set the values:

setValue (andIndex, orIndex, value) {
  var orRule = this.get('matching').objectAt(orIndex);
  var andRule = orRule.objectAt(andIndex);
  Ember.set(andRule, 'value',;

The template where I change the values looks like this:

{{#each matching as |orRule orIndex|}}
  {{#each orRule as |andRule andIndex|}}
    <input type="text" onkeyup={{action 'setValue' andIndex orIndex value=value}}>

My question is: I would like to change only the one value I change. How do I do this? Note: I use Ember.JS 1.13.


  • You don't need to action. Just set value in input helper

    {{#each matching as |orRule orIndex|}}
      {{#each orRule as |andRule andIndex|}}
        {{input value=andRule.value}}


    Please check this out.