I am facing a problem with NSMutableArray in swift , I am developing an application using indoor.rs iOS idk to build an indoor navigation application , I want to show all zones on my map and save its names and points. this is my code :
var allZones = [AnyObject]()
for floor in self._currentBuilding!.floors.allValues as! [IDSFloor] {
allZones.append(floor.zones as [AnyObject])
if let zone = allZones[index] as? IDSZone, let points = zone.points as? [IDSZonePoint] {
points.flatMap { (point) in
and the result is :
"<IDSZone: 0x166ede70>",
"<IDSZone: 0x166edf40>",
"<IDSZone: 0x166edfe0>",
"<IDSZone: 0x166ee070>",
"<IDSZone: 0x166ee0c0>",
"<IDSZone: 0x166ee130>",
"<IDSZone: 0x166ee180>",
"<IDSZone: 0x166ee1c0>",
"<IDSZone: 0x166ee210>"
How can i retrieve all zones data , please . This is link for documentation : https://indoors.readme.io/docs/zones-1
So, first of all I think you can declare your array:
let allZones = [IDSZone]
or let allZones = [AnyObject]
(let me know if it creates some errors)
allZones.appendContentsOf(floor.zones as [AnyObject]) // Swift 2
allZones.append(contentsOf: floor.zones as [AnyObject]) // Swift 3
and then you can access to array element like this:
allZones.first as? IDSZone
allZones[<your_index>] as? IDSZone
to get the points:
if let zone = allZones[index] as? IDSZone, let points = zone.points as? [IDSZonePoint] {
points.flatMap { (point) in
for the name you can use the id if you want.