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AngularJS: How to conditionally apply view animations?

My question could be a little strength since I haven't found any other case like that.

I want to perform views animations, but not always. So far, I had the animation in the .css format:{
    animation: view_enter @anim-view-dur;
    animation: view_leave @anim-view-dur;

So when I go from one page to another, it is performed.

The exactly case when I don't want the animation view to be applied is in a page where I have an ScrollSpy Bootstrap sidebar working. Since it's within a view, I had to do the anchor links with a function:

$scope.scrollTo= function (id){ 

And when this function is called, it's trigger the view animation. Is there any way to prevent from trigger the view animation in this case?

Thank you very much.


  • This was working for me:

    // Routes config
    app.config(function($routeProvider) {
        .when("/", {
            templateUrl : "main.htm"
            controller : "MyController"
            reloadOnSearch : true         

    You could also use this in router-ui