I have a document structure such as this:
now I want get the score section with pagination. how can i sort and project item of score with pagination?
With your sample data like this
the following pipeline
// .. you may want to include a $match stage here
$unwind: "$score"
$sort: { "score.point": 1 }
$skip: 1
$limit: 2
$group: {
_id: "_id",
score: { $push: "$score" }
$project: { _id: 0, score: 1 }
would return that output
"score" : [
"point" : 3,
"des" : "blah"
"point" : 4,
"des" : "blahblah"
In order to modify the page number or size, simply adjust the value of the $skip
and $limit
stages to your needs.