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tuareg-mode customization for emacs

Since I installed the last tuareg package (2.0.10), some things really annoy me and I can't find how to change them back to their previous setup :

let print_enum = 
  let c = ref 0 in
  fun f ->
  List.iter (fun e a
                 b c ->
    ) l

Here I'd like to have :

let print_enum = 
  let c = ref 0 in
  fun f ->
    List.iter (fun e a
      b c ->
    ) l

I couldn't find the indentation for fun f -> nor for

fun_app a b
  c d

in the customization menu.


  • I suggest to use ocp-indent instead of the built-in indentation of tuareg:

    Indentation customization can be very intuitively. You can check out the sample configuration file for ocp-indent: