I'm trying to get an "walking skeleton" of my app up that will use S3 for persistence. I would like to use a fake S3 service so each developer's desktop can read/write at will.
I thought mocks3 would be perfect, as I could get a jetty server up in my jUnit tests. The problem is that mocks3 doesn't allow any writes. Not even to set it up as far as I can tell.
So how do others do this?
There is also an Findify s3mock tool written exactly for this purpose. It mocks the essential parts of AWS S3 API on top of local filesystem:
import io.findify.s3mock.S3Mock
S3Mock api = S3Mock.create(8001, "/tmp/s3");
AmazonS3Client client = new AmazonS3Client(new AnonymousAWSCredentials());
// use local API mock, not the AWS one
client.putObject("testbucket", "file/name", "contents");
It's also easily embeddable and configuration-less.