I have an array of objects with the following format:
{key: 'SC', name: 'Santa Catarina'},
{key: 'SP', name: 'São Paulo'},
{key: 'RJ', name: 'Rio de Janeiro'}
And I want to use select
and ng-options
to show those values:
<select ng-model="vm.state"
ng-options="state.name for state in vm.states">
However, if vm.state
already has a value, the select does not start with it selected. Does anyone know how to make it happen?
Fiddle demonstrating the problem.
Thanks! :)
You could use track by
in this case, where you are retrieving selected object from some ajax call.
<select ng-model="vm.state"
ng-options="state.name for state in vm.states track by state.key">
track by
will not work if you are usingselect as