I'm looking to create a proper postback for an affiliate system. It's quite similar a request to:
Grab a section from a URL and append it a link using jQuery
But it's a little beyond me to capture it the same way. The basic link I need to call in a hidden image tag or JavaScript on a thank you page is:
<img border="0" src="http://example.com/idevaffiliate/sale.php?profile=12345&idev_saleamt=123&idev_ordernum=VALUE" width="1" height="1">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="http://example.com/idevaffiliate/sale.php?profile=12345&idev_saleamt=123&idev_ordernum=VALUE"></script>
Now, I've got all the other variables down, but the e-mail address that I need to append under ordernum will be a part of the link generated by aWeber on the thank you page, as such:
http://example.com/[email protected]
Now, aWeber offers this instruction:
And I'm sure I can't just go and add this to the url:
http://example.com/idevaffiliate/sale.php?profile=12345&idev_saleamt=123&idev_ordernum=<script type="text/javascript">formData.display("email")</script>
I'm really struggling to find anything relevant online. Any help is more than welcome. Thanks!
Is this what you are looking for?
//Set email address to variable email
var email = [email protected];
//Get content (value) of `src`-attribute and put it into src-variable
var src = $("script[lang='JavaScript']").attr("src");
//Replace VALUE with and put it into newSrc -variable
var newSrc = src.replace('VALUE',email);
//Check if ok
//replace old src with newSrc
$("script[lang='JavaScript']").attr("src", newSrc);