I have the following HTML source (generated by Django template engine):
<input class="form-control input-sm" id="id_kpp" maxlength="45" name="kpp" pattern="^\d{12}$|^\d{10}$" required="" type="text" data-parsley-group="block-0">
When I try to apply this code to the element:
var elem = $('#id_kpp').parsley();
var error_name = 'multiple_inn_kpp';
window.ParsleyUI.addError(elem, error_name, 'My custom error msg');
..I get a warning in Google Chrome stating that
Accessing ParsleyUI is deprecated. Call 'addError' on the instance directly. Please comment in issue 1073 as to your need to call this method.
I tried to rewrite the removeError-part the following way and it worked for me.
But if I try to rewrite addError-part in the similar way:
elem.addError(error_name, 'My custom error msg');
I get error message in the Browser:
parsley.js:1000 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
The doc is very sketchy on using addError method. Any ideas ?
elem.addError(error_name, {message: 'My custom error msg'});
I've added colons in the doc, hoping that it will be more clear now.