I created a selected link class via java script to highlight the menu link of the page the user is currently on:
Then I edited the link states in css:
#topnavindex {width:17%;float:left;position:fixed;}
#topnavindex ul {margin:4% 0 0 10%;}
#topnavindex ul li {font-size:83%;letter-spacing:3px;margin:0 0 1.7% 0;list-style-type:none;}
#topnavindex a {font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;}
#topnavindex a:link {color:#8a523e;}
#topnav a:link {color:#232323;}
#topnav a:visited {color:#232323;}
#topnav a:hover {color:#27a896;}
#topnav a.selected {color:#27a896;}
While Chrome and Firefox display my website correctly Internet Explorer ignores the selected link property.
So thanks to everybody that helped me figure out the problem. The solution was easier than expected.
I had to change the IE settings ("Advanced"-tab) to "Allow active content to run files on my computer". After that IE could recognize the JavaScripts!
This problem only occurs because my files were saved locally. On a live webpage the scripts will most likely work for the audience without changing the IE settings.