I received a few JSON data files- however, it has the BSON datatypes included in each object; on top of that, its a really large tojson dump (millions of records).
I am trying to deserialize the data and as expected it fails.
The JSON file has things like:
"someKey" : NumberLong("1234567889"),
It also has ISODate in there...
Is there a way to handle this with Json.net? Seems like there is probably some setting to have it use a custom function rather than the built in parser for specific keys?
*Updated to include code for the stream+textreader for the very large (100GB+ file)
using (StreamReader file = File.OpenText(@"\\largedump.txt"))
using (JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(file))
reader.SupportMultipleContent = true;
var serializer = new JsonSerializer();
while (reader.Read())
if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject)
Contacts c = serializer.Deserialize<Contacts>(reader);
You can use mongo driver bson serializer:
using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization;
var bjson = @"{
'_id' : ObjectId('57ac672e34780e59784d7d2a'),
'ActivePick' : null,
'EventCodeId' : null,
'Frame' : { '$binary' : 'AgY=', '$type' : '00' },
'FrameTimeStamp' : ISODate('2016-08-11T11:53:18.541Z'),
'ServerUserId' : 0,
'ServerUserName' : null,
'SesionId' : 0,
'TraderId' : null,
'TraderName' : null
var bsonDocument = BsonDocument.Parse(bjson);
var myObj = BsonSerializer.Deserialize<FrameDocument>(bsonDocument);
source here
I had no issues with given approach. Please see github solution as it is serializing without issues.
string line;
using (TextReader file = File.OpenText("ImportDataFromBJsonFile\\a.json"))
while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
var bsonDocument = BsonDocument.Parse(line);
var myObj = BsonSerializer.Deserialize<Zxed>(bsonDocument);