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Why does NuGetPack respond with "Cannot create a package that has no dependencies nor content"

I am trying to use the following Cake script:

    .WithCriteria(() =>DirectoryExists(parameters.Paths.Directories.NugetNuspecDirectory))
    .Does(() =>
    var nuspecFiles = GetFiles(parameters.Paths.Directories.NugetNuspecDirectory + "/**/*.nuspec");


    foreach(var nuspecFile in nuspecFiles)
        // TODO: Addin the release notes
        // ReleaseNotes = parameters.ReleaseNotes.Notes.ToArray(),

        // Create packages.
        NuGetPack(nuspecFile, new NuGetPackSettings {
            Version = parameters.Version.SemVersion,
            BasePath = parameters.Paths.Directories.PublishedLibraries.Combine(nuspecFile.GetFilenameWithoutExtension().ToString()),
            OutputDirectory = parameters.Paths.Directories.NuGetPackages,
            Symbols = false,
            NoPackageAnalysis = true

But I keep getting the same error:

Error returned from NuGetPack

I have confirmed that the generated *.temp.nuspec file does indeed contain the correct files, and that the files exist within the specified location, and that the BasePath is correct.

NOTE: I have used -Verbosity Diagnostic to generate the actual command that is being passed to NuGet.exe, and running that directly also results in the same error message. As a result, I don't think that this is a problem directly with Cake, but rather with NuGet.exe.


  • Turns out, this was an error with the directory paths that I was using. I was trying to use .build\_temp\_PublishedLibraries\Cake.Twitter.

    Changing .build to BuildArtifacts immediately made everything work:

    enter image description here

    After doing a little bit of digging, this seems to be a known issue with NuGet (well at least known to some):

    i.e. Any file or folder that start with a . are not recognised by nuget pack.

    Seemingly this issue has been corrected in Chocolatey, and as a result, it works there.

    NOTE: I have raised this as an issue here: