I'm running my automation suite with Selenium and Java with ReportNG as a reporting tool. When my test-runs are over I am getting the reportNG report in ascending order.
I want the report in the order in which they have been executed.
How can I do/configure that?
Thanks in advance.
Firstly you have to add ReportNG source files to your project. You can find them at https://github.com/dwdyer/reportng
Then you need to edit TestResultComparator.class. Change compare method for this:
Long a = Long.valueOf(result1.getStartMillis());
Long b = Long.valueOf(result2.getStartMillis());
return a.compareTo(b);
This will order your Test Methods chronologically.
After that edit TestClassComparator.class. Change compare method for this:
Integer a = Integer.valueOf(class1.getXmlClass().getIndex());
Integer b = Integer.valueOf(class2.getXmlClass().getIndex());
return a.compareTo(b);
It will order your Test Classes chronologically.