Is there a way to be notified of a reference change?
I feel I need to be clear about what I mean:
var a = { aa: 1 };
a = { aa: "allowed" }; // `a`'s reference was modified
a.aa = "foo"; // `a` was mutated, but the reference was not modified. Don't care.
It's that reference change I'm interested in. In Swift this is a didSet
block. I'd like to observe changes to the reference that a
points to.
Full example:
var reel = [];
function print(message) {
reel = reel.concat([message]); // non-mutating push changes "reel" reference to this new object.
Object.SOME_FUNCTION(reel, onChangeReel); // not a real function
function onChangeReel() { /* update the DOM */ }
By "reference change", you seem to mean a change in a variable's value.
No, there is no existing or proposed way to do that.
What can be watched--either with the moribund Object.observe
proposal or with proxies, is changes in a property's value.