I'm exporting data in JSON format with sas using this macro I made:
%macro json4datatables(ds,path,file,charvars,numvars)
/ store source
/* creates a json with no headers
* a bit like a csv without the first line
* it takes thus less space
* but you have to know which column is what
data _null_;
length line $300;
set &ds nobs=nobs end=end;
file "&path.&file." encoding='utf-8' bom/**/ ;
line = '[';
%if &charvars ne %then %do;
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&charvars));
%let charvar = %scan(&charvars, &i);
%if &i ne 1 %then %do;
line = cats(line,',');
line = cats(line,'"',&charvar,'"');
%if &numvars ne %then %do;
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&numvars));
%let numvar = %scan(&numvars, &i);
%if &i ne 1 OR &charvars ne %then %do;
line = cats(line,',');
line = cats(line,'',&numvar,'');
line = cats(line,']');
if _n_=1 then put '{"data": [';
if not end then put line +(-1) ',';
else do;
put line;
put ']}';
%mend json4datatables;
but my problem is that raw values are exported.
I would like to export the formatted values.
How can I achieve this?
I'm thinking maybe there is a function that allows to concatenate formatted values instead of values and I could replace cats() with it.
Use the VVALUE()
line = cats(line,'',vvalue(&numvar),'');
Also why not just use the CATX()
function? Replace
%if &i ne 1 OR &charvars ne %then %do;
line = cats(line,',');
line = cats(line,'',vvalue(&numvar),'');
line = catx(',',line,vvalue(&numvar));
For the character values use the QUOTE()
line = catx(',',line,quote(cats(vvalue(&charvar))));
Move the addition of the square brackets to the end.
line = cats('[',line,']');