I want to make a macro that copies formulas into the range Q6:Q2500
. After the macro inserted the formulas it should copy>paste values only.
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Range("Q6").Formula = "=IF(INDIRECT(""A""&ROW())="""","""",CONCATENATE(INDIRECT(""A""&ROW()),""/"",INDIRECT(""B""&ROW()),""/"",INDIRECT(""E""&ROW()),""/"",INDIRECT(""P""&ROW())))"
Range("Q6:Q2500").PasteSpecial (xlPasteAll)
Range("Q6:Q2500").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End Sub
When I run this macro it inserts the formulas as intended. But when I try to paste values only I get the first value repeated till Q2500
. I think it's because the formula update is to slow.
I saw another thread on Stack but the answer was to convert the formula into a VBA function. I don't know how to convert this formula.
You are converting before calculation is completed which is causing the problem.
However you are first placing the Formula
to the Cell
and then copying the Value
into the Cell
. This can be shortened to letting VBA calculate the Value
and place it into the Cell
. Its advised to not make use of .Copy
and .Paste
if it can be avoided.
See example:
Sub JoinStrings()
Dim cell As Range
Dim strJoin As String
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
For Each cell In .Range("Q6:Q2500")
If .Range(cell.Offset(0, -16).Value) <> "" Then
strJoin = .Range(cell.Offset(0, -16).Value).Value & "/"
strJoin = strJoin & .Range(cell.Offset(0, -15).Value).Value & "/"
strJoin = strJoin & .Range(cell.Offset(0, -12).Value).Value & "/"
strJoin = strJoin & .Range(cell.Offset(0, -1).Value).Value
cell.Value = strJoin
End If
End With
End Sub