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Produce std::tuple of same type in compile time given its length by a template argument

In c++, how can I implement a function with an int template argument indicating the tuple length and produce a std::tuple with that length?


func<2>() returns std::tuple<int, int>();
func<5>() returns std::tuple<int, int, int, int, int>().


  • Here is a recursive solution with alias template and it's implementable in C++11:

    template <size_t I,typename T> 
    struct tuple_n{
        template< typename...Args> using type = typename tuple_n<I-1, T>::template type<T, Args...>;
    template <typename T> 
    struct tuple_n<0, T> {
        template<typename...Args> using type = std::tuple<Args...>;   
    template <size_t I,typename T>  using tuple_of = typename tuple_n<I,T>::template type<>;

    For example if we want "tuple of 3 doubles" we can write:

    tuple_of<3, double> t;