I'm trying to generate a list of all my saved reddit items using JRAW.
I've gone through the Quickstart , and successfully managed to login and retrieve information, and I can get a list of items on the Frontpage from the Cookbook, but I can't work out how I would get a list of my saved items (comments and posts) or a list of my own posts (also comments and posts).
The saved items are at https://www.reddit.com/user/<username>/saved/
, but I don't know how to get jraw to retrieve and parse that, or if the api uses a different URL.
Edit: I think I probably need to use a UserContributionPaginator, but I haven't quite worked out exactly how to get it to work yet.
Worked it out.
package com.jraw;
import net.dean.jraw.RedditClient;
import net.dean.jraw.http.UserAgent;
import net.dean.jraw.http.oauth.Credentials;
import net.dean.jraw.http.oauth.OAuthData;
import net.dean.jraw.http.oauth.OAuthException;
import net.dean.jraw.models.Contribution;
import net.dean.jraw.models.Listing;
import net.dean.jraw.paginators.UserContributionPaginator;
public class printSaved {
public static void main(String [] args) {
UserAgent myUserAgent = UserAgent.of("desktop", "com.jraw.printSaved", "v0.01", "user");
RedditClient redditClient = new RedditClient(myUserAgent);
String username = "username";
Credentials credentials = Credentials.script(username, "<password>", "<clientId>", "<clientSecret>");
OAuthData authData = null;
try {
authData = redditClient.getOAuthHelper().easyAuth(credentials);
} catch (OAuthException e) {
UserContributionPaginator saved = new UserContributionPaginator(redditClient,"saved",username);
Listing<Contribution> savedList = saved.next();
for (Contribution item : savedList) {