I'm trying for 2 hours to resolve a little problem which is not one. I'm on an generated yeoman Angular-fullstack App.
I want to write this code with sequelize:
FROM demand
WHERE city_id NOT IN (
SELECT city_id
FROM demand
WHERE user_id=req.params.user_id)
I have yet the following code but that doesn't work. I get only []
export function getCity(req, res) {
return Demand.findAll({
where: {
city_id:{ $notIn: Demand.findAll({
attributes: ['city_id'],
where: {
user_id: req.params.user_id,
Have you a clue? Thank you.
I have not found a nice solution: I have finally wrote with query.
export function showDemandArtistNoUser(req, res) {
return db.sequelize.query('SELECT * FROM demands WHERE city_id NOT IN (SELECT city_id FROM demands WHERE user_id='+req.params.user_id+')', { type: db.sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT })
And with my angular-fullstack, i have to add on my page:
import db from '../../sqldb';