I have Sublime Text 3 and what i want to do is reindent all the files inside a folder I am presently using HTML-CSS-JS Prettify as my plugin to reindent. So I want to right-click on the folder icon which is on the sidebar and get an option of reindenting all the files inside them.
You can get pretty close if you're willing to write your own plugin.
The plugin code:
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class ReindentAllCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
[v.run_command('htmlprettify') for v in sublime.active_window().views()]
This is based on this response on the Sublime Text forums. It runs the htmlprettify
command in every open file. You could replace that with a different plugin, if you want.
To open all files in a folder, you can follow the instructions here.