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How to interactively display and hide lines in a Bokeh plot?

It would be nice to be able to interactively display and hide lines in a bokeh plot. Say, I have created my plot something like this:

from bokeh.plotting import output_file, figure, show
from numpy.random import normal, uniform

meas_data_1 = normal(0, 1, 100)
meas_data_2 = uniform(-0.5, 0.5, 100)

output_file("myplot.html", title="My plot")
fig = figure(width=500, plot_height=500)

fig.line(x=range(0, len(meas_data_1)), y=meas_data_1)
fig.line(x=range(0, len(meas_data_2)), y=meas_data_2)


How can I add the possibility to interactively enable/disable one of the two lines?

I know that this is on the wish list (see this feature request), but that doesn't sound like it would be implemented too soon.

I have the impression that this should be possible using a CheckBoxGroup and a self-defined callback, but unfortunately this callback has to be written in JavaScript, which I have absolutely no experience in.


  • EDIT: Interactive legends are now built into the library as of Bokeh 0.12.5, see

    This appears on track to be implemented at some point as interactive legends:

    Currently (v0.12.1), there is an example that uses CustomJS on checkboxes to achieve this:

    Relevant code:

    import numpy as np
    from import output_file, show
    from bokeh.layouts import row
    from bokeh.palettes import Viridis3
    from bokeh.plotting import figure
    from bokeh.models import CheckboxGroup, CustomJS
    output_file("line_on_off.html", title=" example")
    p = figure()
    props = dict(line_width=4, line_alpha=0.7)
    x = np.linspace(0, 4 * np.pi, 100)
    l0 = p.line(x, np.sin(x), color=Viridis3[0], legend="Line 0", **props)
    l1 = p.line(x, 4 * np.cos(x), color=Viridis3[1], legend="Line 1", **props)
    l2 = p.line(x, np.tan(x), color=Viridis3[2], legend="Line 2", **props)
    checkbox = CheckboxGroup(labels=["Line 0", "Line 1", "Line 2"],
                             active=[0, 1, 2], width=100)
    checkbox.callback = CustomJS(args=dict(l0=l0, l1=l1, l2=l2, checkbox=checkbox),
                                 lang="coffeescript", code="""
    l0.visible = 0 in;
    l1.visible = 1 in;
    l2.visible = 2 in;
    layout = row(checkbox, p)