I'm adding a free w3layout template Link to template to my new rails 4.2 app and when I put all files in their places it seems that the javascript event runs twice. It is visible when you reload the page (F5).
I think the reason why - is this code below and also turbolinks. But without it the event runs once and immediately to all parts of template. The question is - How can I manage these .js files to only run once, but smoothly. I'm not very good at javascript.
new WOW().init();
All js files I put in app/assets/javascript
Here's the link to full github project. And this is application.html.erb where I think all the problems are. App runs locally.
I found the solution. The problem was not in the
new WOW().init();
The reason was in this code
<!-- Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster -->
<script src="js/bootstrap.js"></script>
It was at the end of the template so I don't seen it at once.