I am using the jqGrid with inline editing option. I want to show an edit icon if the cell does not have any values.
So I write a formatter:
function aFormatter(cellvalue, options, row) {
if(cellvalue == null){
return 'you can edit this';
return cellvalue;
The you can edit this
text is displayed, when I click on it an input box is displayed correctly, however the input box as the initial value you can edit this
How can I fix it?
I am using the jqGrid through struts 2 jquery tags plugin
, which is build on jqGrid version
I think that you should define unformatter (unformat) together with the formatter. For example,
formatter: function (cellvalue) {
if (cellvalue == null) {
return "<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-pencil'></span>";
} else {
return cellvalue;
unformat: function (cellValue, options, elem) {
return $(elem).text();
I'm not sure how you can specify unformat
in the struts2 grid plugin.
One more way would be defining formatter in the following way
(function ($) {
"use strict";
/*jslint unparam: true */
$.extend($.fn.fmatter, {
yourFormatterName: function (cellValue, options) {
if (cellvalue == null) {
return "<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-pencil'></span>";
} else {
return cellvalue;
$.extend($.fn.fmatter.yourFormatterName, {
unformat: function (cellValue, options, elem) {
return $(elem).text();
It will allows you to use formatter: "yourFormatterName"
(or probably formatter = "yourFormatterName"
in struts2) in the same way like you can use standard formatters "integer"
, "date"
and other.