SHtml.ajaxSubmit Am using Scala with Lift. I am trying to create a SHtml.ajaxSubmit() using the CSS binding, and I want it enabled or disabled based on an external property. So far I managed to display the submit and do all the other wiring, but I am unable neither to invoke a JS method upon the ajaxSubmit() creation nor to do this any other way.
"#myCheckbox" #> SHtml.ajaxCheckbox(btns.isChecked, btnState => checkboxClicked(btnState), "id" -> "myCheckbox") &
"#myBtn *" #> SHtml.ajaxSubmit("click me", btnClicked)
I also have 2 case classes to enable or disable the button state:
case class Disable(id: String) extends JsCmd {
def toJsCmd = "$('#"+id+"').children().prop('disabled', 'true');"
case class Enable(id: String) extends JsCmd {
def toJsCmd = "$('#"+id+"').children().removeProp('disabled');"
Finally I have a variable which tells me whether this should be enabled or not, but I still cannot manage to change the button's state after the page is loaded in the Lift's way.
Here is the HTML form where is the button I want to disable:
<lift:surround with="default" at="content" xmlns:item="">
<div class='pageTitle'>Some title</div>
some text
<form data-lift="form.ajax">
<div class="lift:MyScalaCodeBehind.btns">
<!-- checkbox -->
<div id="myCheckbox"/>
<label for="myCheckbox">some text</label>
<!-- button -->
<td id="myBtn"/>
Btw I tested and the events don't seem to work for me?!?!
I've managed to change the button's state with using JS. I couldn't find a way how to fix this in Lift purely and that's why I used Lift with combination with JS.
I created a custom JS function which does the work and I invoked it on page load. Since I wanted all the business logic behind the page to be in the Scala source, I registered the this command with S.appendJs() when the form is created. In short here's code:
S.appendJs(CustomOnLoadCmd()) // this is done when the form is initialized
Here's the implementation of CustomOnLoadCmd:
case class CustomOnLoadCmd() extends JsCmd {
def toJsCmd = "$(document).ready(function() {\n" +
" if ($('#myCheckbox').prop('checked')) {\n" +
" $('#myBtn').children().prop('disabled', 'true');\n" +
" } else {\n" +
" $('#myBtn').children().removeProp('disabled');\n" +
" }\n" +
" });"
I hope this helps you if you are hit an issue like mine and don't have any other solution.