I have the following code:
for (int iThreadCounter = 1; iThreadCounter <= CONNECTIONS_NUM; iThreadCounter++){
WorkThread wt = new WorkThread(iThreadCounter);
new Thread(wt).start();
Those threads calls the following code:
int res = m_spLegJoin.call(m_workTread, m_workTread.getConfId());
And this is the call method inside LegJoinSp class:
public class LegJoinSp extends ConnEventSp {
private static final int _LEG_JOIN_ACTION_CODE = 22;
private static int m_nLegId = Integer.valueOf(IniUtils.getIniValue("General", "LEG_ID_START"));
private final Lock m_lock = new ReentrantLock();
public int call(WorkThread a_workThread, String a_sConfId) {
synchronized (this) {
boolean bPass = false;
Log4jWrapper.writeLog(LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "LegJoinSp - call", "a_workThread = " + a_workThread.getThreadId() + " a_sConfId = " + a_sConfId);
if (super.call(a_workThread, a_sConfId, _LEG_JOIN_ACTION_CODE, "" + m_nLegId) == 0) {
bPass = true;
} else {
bPass = false;
if (bPass) {
Log4jWrapper.writeLog(LogLevelEnum.DEBUG, "LegJoinSp - call", "a_workThread = " + a_workThread.getThreadId() + " a_sConfId = " + a_sConfId + " returned leg id " + m_nLegId);
return m_nLegId;
} else {
return -1;
public Lock getLock() {
return m_lock;
I've got 2 threads calling this call() method. m_nLegId is initiated with 100. As you can see I have tried to lock the method with both
m_lock.lock() and m_lock.unlock()
The problem is that when I first get to if (bPass) inner code, it write 102 to my log as the m_nLegId value. However I expect it to be 101 because of the m_nLegId++; statement. It seems that the second thread manage to get inside the code before the synchronize block ends for the first thread execution.
How can I fix that?
Thank you
For me your bug is related to the fact that m_nLegId
is a static field
and you try to synchronize access on the current instance instead of the class such that you don't properly prevent concurrent modifications of your field.
I mean
synchronized (this) {
Should rather be
synchronized (LegJoinSp.class) {
NB: In case you only need a counter, consider using an AtomicInteger
for your field instead of an int.