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Spacemacs Cider test does not fail

When I run a test in Spacemacs with Clojure mode via <SPC> m t t it does not show a failure, even when the test clearly fails. See:

test does not fail

1 is not equal to 2, but still there are 0 test failures.

How can I make the test fail?


  • There is an issue in your test: it lacks comparison operator. The correct version is:

    (deftest test-exercise-1-4
      (testing "count-anywhere"
        (is (= 2 1))))

    is macro has following definition (edited source for brevity):

    (defmacro is
      "Generic assertion macro.  'form' is any predicate test.
      'msg' is an optional message to attach to the assertion.
      Example: (is (= 4 (+ 2 2)) \"Two plus two should be 4\")
      ([form] `(is ~form nil))
      ([form msg] `(try-expr ~msg ~form)))

    As you can see with (is 2 1) you are calling the second arity where form is 2 and the message for assertion is 1. As 2 is truthy it makes the assertion to pass:

    (is 2)
    ;; => 2
    (is false)
    FAIL in () (boot.user5045373352931487641.clj:1)
    expected: false
      actual: false
    ;; => false