For my Integration tests I am using a HSQLDB-Inmemory.
When i execute a bulk update via jql query I am not able to get the updated results afterwards.
public class Entity {
private Long id;
private String someCriteria;
private Boolean changed = Boolean.FALSE;
@Column (name = "ID")
public Long getId() {
return id;
@Column (name = "SOMECRITERIA")
public String getSomeCriteria() {
return someCriteria;
@Column (name = "CHANGED")
@Type (type = "yes_no")
public String isChanged() {
return changed;
DataStore.class […]
updateChangedMethod() {
Query query = entityManager.get().createQuery(“UPDATE Entity e SET e.changed = true WHERE (d.someCriteria = ‘true’) ");
selectAllMethod() {
Query query = entityManager.get().createQuery("Select e from Entity e", Entity.class);
updateChangedMethod() ;
selectAllMethod(); // Results do not contain the update
When I execute a refresh for each entity explicitly the select works as expected:
Query query = entityManager.get().createQuery("Select e from Entity e", Entity.class);
List<Entity> result = query.getResultList();
for (Entity entity : result) {
updateChangedMethod() ;
selectAllMethod(); // Results do contain the update
I am using Hibernate v 5.1.0.Final and HSQLDB v 2.3.4. I assume that this is a Cache issue, is there a way to receive the expected results directly without calling a refresh on each entity?
The persistence context is not updated to reflect the results of the bulk operation. Bulk operations are issued as SQL against the database, bypassing the in-memory structures of the persistence context.
You have three ways to achieve the up-to-date result from entity manager: